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songs and dances from Trujillo, Peru / Adrian Rodriguez Van der Spoel
songs and dances from Trujillo, Peru / Adrian Rodriguez Van der Spoel
商品名稱:songs and dances from Trujillo, Peru / Adrian Rodriguez Van der Spoel

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這張專輯收錄18世紀祕魯北方第一大城Trujillo所傳唱的歌曲與舞曲,這些作品由當時的主教Martinez Companon編匯,融合西班牙的拉丁風格與秘魯當地的風格.非常鮮少錄音的曲目.這張珍貴的專輯很完整的收錄這些作品,極具收藏價值!

本專輯是由Adrian Rodriguez Van der Spoel指揮Musica Temprana這個專門演出西班牙與拉丁美洲的古老音樂的頂尖樂團.該樂團擅長於演出文藝復興到巴洛克時期的拉丁曲目,在Cobra唱片公司的合作下,錄製了兩張經典的專輯,除了本專輯外,另一張拉米雷茲:中南美彌撒 與多首南美洲民謠歌曲(COBRA-0044)同樣值得推薦.

This CD is among the very few recordings of the complete musical works of the Codex Trujillo del Peru(1780 – 1790), as compiled by the Spanish Bishop Martinez Companon.

The variety of the twenty pieces recorded by the bishop reflects the area’s cultural wealth, itself the fruit of the mixes between distinct racial groups. It also reveals the state of music at a key historical moment, prior to the disintegration of colonial society. The music pieces are an exciting blend of Spanish colonial baroque music and indigenous (i.e. Indian and African) sounds and rhythms. It is the only example of a full, coherent set of popular Latin American music being transcribed in this period.

- Exciting blend of colonial baroque and indigenous sounds and rhythms
- Rich interpretation based on more than fifteen years of study and liveperformances
- The album includes liner notes and lyrics in English and Spanish

The Codex Trujillo del Peru was meant as a ‘country report’ to inform the Spanish Court about the true state of affairs in the diocese. Its nine volumes contain over 1.400 water colours depicting daily life, flora and fauna. To browse one’s way through this wondrous period document is, as it were, to watch a documentary film about colonial society. Before we reach the musical scores, there are water colours of dancers and musicians with all their costumes, attributes and masks. The scores indicate the desired tempo and instruments for each work, conveying the fine points of its origin and giving guidance for its interpretation.

Transcriptions and book publication (2013) All transcriptions are being made by Adrian Rodriguez Van der Spoel, artistic director of Musica Temprana. Van der Spoel is also the author of a comprehensive study on the music of the Codex Trujillo del Peru, to be published - in Spanish and English - in the Fall of 2013 with Deuss Music. Musica Temprana was founded in 2001 by the Dutch-Argentinian old music specialist Adrian Rodriguez Van der Spoel. 

1. Tonada La Brugita
2. Cachua al Nacimiento “Nino il mijor”
3. Tonada La Donosa
4. Lanchas para Baylar
5. Tonada La Lata
6. Tonada El Congo
7. Cachua La Despedida
8. Tonada El Conejo
9. Bayle del Chimo
10. Tonada El Diamante /Tonada el Tuppamaro
11. Tonada El Tupamaro
12. Tonada del Chimo
13. Bayle de danzantes
14. Tonada El Huicho
15. Tonada La Selosa
16. Cachua Serranita El Huicho Nuebo
17. Tonadilla El Palomo
18. Cachuyta de la Montaña El Vuen querer
19. Cachua al Nacimiento “Dennos lecencia”

Adrian Rodriguez Van der Spoel Director

Gabriel Aguilera Valdebenito voice, guitar, kena, percussion
Joshua Cheatham violone
Luciana Cueto voice, percussion
Florian Deuter violin, percussion
Andres Locatelli, flutes
Lina Marcela Lopez voice
Alvaro Pinto voice, kena, percussion
Adrián Rodríguez Van der Spoel voice, guitar, percussion
Manuel Vilas Rodriguez harp
Mónica Waisman violin, percussion

Jia Tai Trading Co Ltd (TAX ID#28912921)
Email: etaigou@gmail.com
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